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Tech for Good: How Technology Promotes Everyday Giving in China

  • Ying Ye and Tony Luo have shared the speech about "Tech for Good: How Technology Promotes Everyday Giving in China" in Good Tech Fest on May 18 in 2021.

    Chinese Internet companies are empowering the digitization of China's charity organizations through "tech for good" or "data for good". They have achieved amazing results, but the conflict between business logic and philanthropy logic has also caused many dilemmas and new problems. We will explain the tension between the Internet giants and the philanthropy industry, the iterative thinking and methods, advantages and challenges, and future trends in China's context.



    About Good Tech Fest:

    Good Tech Fest is a community of people that believe in creating impactin this world. That there is something about the world as it is today that wewant to see changed for tomorrow. We are the ones working for that change andwe believe that if we can responsibly use data and technology that we can bemore effective in achieving that mission. We are nonprofit executive directors,foundation program officers, social entrepreneurs, data analysts, productmanagers, technologists, data scientists, and just plain nerds. We come fromaround the world to learn and grow together. Last year had more than 1,500 people from 42 countries participate in Good Tech Fest.

    Download here:

    How Technology Promotes Everyday Giving in China-20210518.pdf


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